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Become a volunteer for Christian Performing Arts Community and start making a difference today — get started below:

Parking Lot Attendant - Lower

You will be directing approved drivers to a “reserved” parking spot.

Parking Lot Attendant - Gate

You will be checking that drivers have purchased a “Reserved Parking” space. If yes, allowing them to enter. If not, either directing them to the General Parking lot, or selling them a $10 “Reserved Parking” spot (if available) to enter.

Ushers - Programs/Concessions

2 ushers are needed each show to hand out programs to patrons as they enter the auditorium. These ushers will also sell concessions at intermission.

Ushers - Ticket Scanner/Raffle

1 usher is needed each show to scan or check in tickets of patrons before they can enter the auditorium. This usher will also sell raffle tickets at intermission.

Flower & Gift Table

1 helper is needed each show to sell flowers, notes, and other gifts (preshow & intermission)

Parent Supervisor

1 parent is needed each show to supervise the children of the cast while they are not on stage. There will be a printed sheet so that you know when to send the kids upstairs. NOISE LEVEL MUST BE KEPT DOWN.